St. Joseph the Worker


Welcome to the St Joseph the Worker Parish website! As pastor here, I am glad that you are inquiring about our faith community. 

The parish of St. Joseph is vibrant & active. The faith of this community is obvious, and it is a vibrant, celebrated, & revered faith. People put their belief into action in many ways. I am overly impressed with the outreach people have to the poor, the food pantries, & the needy. Volunteers are always coming forth to help whenever & wherever possible.

If you would like more information about the parish, or if you would like to be a member, that would be great. We would be glad to "have you in the pew" at our Masses, worshiping & celebrating the Lord's presence. Please know that if you have any questions, call the parish office at any time. We are here to assist you in any way possible.

May St. Joseph the Worker intercede daily for you & your needs.

Enjoy the website,
Father Joe






Monday: 8:30am   except for the 2nd Monday of each month which will be at 6:00pm
Tuesday: 8:30am

Thursday: 8:30am
Friday: 8:30am

Saturday: 4:30pm
Sunday: 8:00am & 10:30am

HOLY DAYS   8:30am & 5:30pm


Saturday: 3:15-4:00pm or by appointment






Monday: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Tuesday: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Wednesday: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Thursday: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 4:00pm



We are a Roman Catholic faith family in Chatham Illinois committed to proclaiming the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We live our faith with our words and through our actions.  Nourished by the Word of God and the Eucharist, we seek to become a place of mercy and hope where everyone is welcomed, loved and respected.


Parish Pastoral Council

The role of the St. Joseph the Worker Parish Pastoral Council members is to serve the pastor, provide channels of communication and cooperation to the pastor, staff and members of the parish, and provide support to the pastoral work of the parish.   By working together in community we grow in faith and fellowship.

If you have questions, concerns or requests about St. Joseph the Worker Church, your parish stewardship or activity committee, or as a parishioner, you are encouraged to contact the Pastoral Council Chairperson, or Vice-Chairperson.   

Chairperson, Pat Kornfeld,

Vice-Chairperson, Debbie Shawgo,



Father Joe Molloy: Pastor                        

Sister Judith Pfile, O.P.: Pastoral Associate

Deb Howerton: Office Manager                 

Sue Coombe: Secretary                             

John Kennedy: Music Minister                   

Janice Anderson: Faith Formation Coordinator

Grace Stenke: Youth Coordinator                  

M.C. Garriott: OCIA Cooridinator              

Jackie Viste: Preschool Instructor              

Anna Barham: Sacramental Coordinator   

Cindy Essex: Baptism Preparation             



Faith Formation Begins This Weekend

Our 2024-2025 Faith Formation year begins on Sunday, September 8th, 9:15-10:15am. Parents, please meet in the Sanctuary with your child/ren at the start of the session to meet their Catechists and for a brief parent meeting.  See you soon!

Daily Mass on Monday, September 9th will be at 6:00pm.


Each 2nd Monday of the month, Mass is celebrated here at 6:00pm.  Beginning September 9th, the Rosary will be prayed monthly at 5:30pm before the 6:00pm Mass, led by a member of our Knights of Columbus chapter.  How generous of them to volunteer to do this for us. Thanks, guys, for leading us in this beautiful prayer, the Rosary.  See you on the 9th at 5:30pm—don’t forget your rosaries.

Join us for an afternoon of games on Wednesday, September 18th, 12:30-3:30pm in Kollross Hall.  We will be offering card games, dice and board games.  You can bring a friend, learn a game, teach a game, or just sit, watch and visit.  Drinks will be provided. 


The Knights of Columbus Council 4179 will be accepting donations after Mass the weekend of September 14th and 15th for the Intellectual Disabilities or “Tootsie Roll” fund drive.  The funds generated from this drive help support local programs that help people with special learning and life needs.




Back to Class “Get Hooked On Jesus”  Parish-Wide Celebration

Welcome to all of our returning and new Faith Formation families, as well as our wonderful Parishioners! We invite you to join us on Saturday, September 14th for Mass at 4:30pm, followed by a Back-To-Class celebration from 5:30-8:00pm. We will provide the main dish of Hawaiian Chicken, Sliders and Hot Dogs. In addition, please provide a side dish of your choice to share for the event. An assortment of fun games will be on hand. Please sign up in the gathering space or contact Janice Anderson if your family is able to attend, no later than Tuesday, September 10th.  We look forward to your help in kicking off another great year!

St. Joseph the Worker Preschool Board will be selling Krispy Kreme vouchers on                Saturday, September 7th and vouchers and donuts on Sunday, September 8th.                All proceeds will benefit our wonderful Preschool program.                                                    The cost of a voucher or donuts is $15.00.



The next OWLS gathering will be on Friday, September 20th at 5:30pm in Kollross Hall.  You can sign up in the gathering space beginning next weekend. Please remember to bring a side dish to share, and to wear your  name badge.  Anita Bedell will be our guest speaker.



The next TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) meeting is Sunday, September 15th at 9:15am in the Resource Room.  All St. Joseph parishioners are welcome and encouraged to attend!             

Knights of Columbus 4179 News

  • The Knights are raffling off a Blackstone Omnivore 28 inch 2-Burner Griddle valued at $300.00. Tickets are $5 each or 5 tickets for $20. Drawing will be Oct 5th at the KC Lake Club at 3:00PM during the Bags Tournament. Reach out to a Knight for tickets or call Sean Fink, 217-415-1147.
  • Save the date: October 12th from 9am -1pm. We have been asked to work on a pilot program with Sleep In Heavenly Peace (SIHP) to build 20 beds for disadvantaged kids. Supreme Council will be donating the $5k for materials, all we need to do is supply labor.  We need 20 people, this would consist of Knights, family members, friends, parishioners and any other person who would like to support a worthwhile cause. The folks from SIHP will have their team there to show us what to do and will supply all the necessary tools. Dave Kennedy will be letting you know the location of this event. If you have any questions, or would like to help with this project, call Dave at 217-494-2609.  "Many hands lighten the load.”
  • If you are interested in joining an award winning Council, and having an impact on your community, please contact Sean Fink, 217-415-1147.      


Hearing God’s Voice in Prayer

We invite you to the Day of WATCH (We Are The Church) on October 12, 2024, with a theme this year of Experiencing the Holy Spirit.  If you have any questions or plan to attend, please contact

Peggy Billhartz at 217-483-2833 or Carol Gustafson at 217-899-6330.

God Bless.



Parents who would like to have their child baptized at St. Joseph the Worker are required to attend a preparation class. The next classes will be on the following dates at 6:30pm:

October 10, 2024

To sign up for a class, or to make alternate arrangements, call the church office at 217-483-3772.

Thanks to Cindy Essex for helping our new parents prepare to raise the next generation of the faithful.

Interesting news and updates from our parish delivered right to your inbox.

Form can be filled out electronically by clicking HERE

Don't forget that if you have an iOS or Android device, you can use the MSP mobile app! After downloading, you'll need the following Organization ID to sign in: stjos


St. Joseph the Worker Preschool offers a 4/5 year old class that meets on M/W/F from 9:00am - 11:30am and a 3 year old class that meets on T/Th from 9:00am - 11:30am. Mrs.Jackie Viste is the Preschool teacher and provides fun, faith-based enriching activities to all of our students. She is assisted by her aides, parish members Mrs. Judy Gartland and Mrs. Melody Clark.

More information and all forms can be found HERE

To learn more about our Preschool Fundraisers click HERE